
Hey There!

I'm Ian Phelon.
I love writing blazing fast mobile apps with Flutter and Dart. Greetings from the Garden State!


I Dream Big

Going to the moon is the ultimate destination; Platitude, or personal goal, teamwork is a fundamental aspect of turning big dreams into reality.

Why do I think I'm a good team member?


Love what I do

Algorithmic thinking comes naturally to me, and was a term I was unaware of until I taught myself OOP. Learning how to use my words to make rocks on the opposite sides of the continent communicate with electricity is just about the coolest thing ever. Creating abstractions & reducing complexity and redundancy is living my best life.


How I do it

I’ve released an app on both main mobile app stores, built using Flutter. Flutter is a UI toolkit for developing natively compiled cross-platform applications (if you have a device with a screen, Flutter likely runs on it). For CRUD operations on data, an SQLite database was used.


Attention to Detail

"Just double checking" is something I regularly say, to stave off my own ineptitude as well as ensure a cohesive working environment. There's work to be done, I prefer to measure twice before I start in order to avoid holding everyone up. Listening to someone and inferring their intent is something I won't do unless asked.


Forward momentum

Pursuit of knowledge never stops, and opportunity for growth is always present. I look forward to new challenges. Hitting the wall is just part of the process. Overcoming the obstacle and figuring out a solution is the fun of it all that keeps me going in for more.


Production Powerhouse

Writing extensible, efficient code is on par with roller coasters and ice cream in terms of "things I get excited over". Streamlining methods might be considered more a compulsion than an effort to stay in line with best practices.


Accountability and Conviction

I own my decisions, regardless of outcomes. I treat people equally, and I expect the same of those I work with. Therefore, I refuse to work with racists, sexists, or homophobes.
Individuals aren't perfect, everyone makes mistakes, but there is not a fine line between something that is a decision and something that isn't.
Valuing integrity gives me the will to make changes to preserve my own, as well as my works, while letting me accept other's integrity can be more important. It's how I am the change I want to see in the world.


See My Latest Projects.

Coming up with my first personal project was difficult until I realized I needed to become the customer. Q: What would make my life easier? A: Spend a year familiarizing yourself with the 4 pillars of OOP and software patterns so you don't have to write the word "pushups" more than once! Stronks is a fairly simple CRUD app at the moment, but it's also the foundation for me to incorporate anything I want to learn.


Fitness Tracker

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Github Profile

Big Dreams come from New Jersey

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Over 2.9 sextillion (2,900,000,000,000,000,000,000) transistors have been produced since Bardeen and Brattain created the first transistor, with Atalla and Kahng creating the type of transistor representing the bulk of the total.

First working transistor, First MOSFET 1947, 1959 - Murray Hill
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"It was shocking that a government of men could look with such extreme contempt on a movement that was asking nothing except such a simple little thing as the right to vote." -Alice Paul

Women's suffrage pioneer 1885-1977, Mount Laurel - Moorestown
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Ken Thompson couldn't port his game "Space Travel" without writing an operating system to code it on his new computer.

UNIX Operating System 1969 - Murray Hill
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Beatrice Hicks was the first woman engineer employed by Western Electric. She invented a gas density switch in 1959 that was used on Apollo moon landing missions.

Co-founder and first president of the Society of Women Engineers 1919-1979, Orange - Princeton


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